

Are you lucid dreaming?



((((please excuse the poor grammar and English on this page. I use a speech to text recognition program and it does have a tendency to screw up every now and then :)
but it makes for easy dream journaling instead of typing/writing


New dream:

[went to bed and woke up round-the- 8:00 maybe 830-stay up until 1030 and went back to bed took until about 1139 to go to bed and I slept until about one]

* super super super long lucid dream . . . Total length at least 40 minutes

. . . had many false awakenings Probably five or Six

In most of them was in my bedroom, and one in particular I could hear Sean walking to the apartment. He was making lots of noise, been loud and I don't know if this was real or if I dreamed it.

. . . At one point in a disoriented state, I could feel my body or rather my subtle body. I can rotate around in circles, like rolling around and around in the same spot. It felt great to be so mobile yet still have notions of being attached to body. I had fun doing this for a while

. . . Of all these false awakenings, most involve me wondering whether I was a really dreaming are not . It seemed so real it was hard to tell. The technique I seem to use most to prove to myself that I was dreaming was pushing my finger through Wall. I would push my finger against a wall, eventually my finger would slow leak pass through the wall and that I would know for sure that I was dreaming. Even when I was testing building a reality check, suspected that I was dreaming. Which probably helped.

. . . One falls a weakening: I sensed that I was at the computer, sitting at the chair, and leaning my head and arm on the monitor. . . . I could even feel static zapping on my arm. yet felt very tired almost paralyzed as if I were sleeping rested up against the monitor. As I debated whether I was dreaming or not, as illogical as this situation might sound it was still hard to tell if I was dreaming or. Eventually I summoned the Energy to stand and then realized I was lucid in the dream.



. . . I was walking through the apartment and Gina and Kristy were there. I was trying to tell them that this is the dream and did my best to prove it to them. Putting my hands into the walls and grabbing a handful of the plaster along edge of the wall right in our kitchen and then try to spread it back on evenly. . . spreading it back on did not work but I told them not to worry, it would be fine in the morning. These parts were in the beginning of the long lucid dream sequence. After these and a few other false awakenings I became firmly rooted in the fact that I was having a long lucid dream sequence, and this resulted in a common theme in the following L D ' S. I must have re-entered at least 12 time From the very beginning to the end when the alarm went off. . . damned alarm!!! I've been I could've went back in many more times.

This scene revolved around another land, another dimension, filled with humans yet living in an alternate reality. I was just walking around exploring the place. Meeting people and making conversation. Examining the terrain as I walked around, it seemed very familiar. At one point I was in someone's backyard, and I don't know if I was being chased or if was following someone. Actually, I think what happened was there was this kid and he had done something wrong so I grabbed him and hurled them into the air. After words I was looking for him to seek he was all right to. I started to climb out column on to the roof of this House and as I did a black lady came up to me trying to stop me. I scurried up the post and onto the roof. < I've been super lucid the whole time> so now I'm on top of this roof, it's like in addition to the House , like the covering over a deck, it was it dark leathery Brown, and I was gripping it and it felt similar to skin. It was not that stable, but I scurried across that and took leaps to other parts of the House, making my wave around the back of the House.


. . . I'm in some huge park , walking around and checking the place out. There's a little stream that runs along the border of the Park and I find it very curious. As I walk along its banks, I get the impression that there may be alligators in it so I keep a watchful eye. At one end of the stream, it gets funneled into a smaller lane of water. I hopped into the water which is about knee level. I notice a small alligator skull and then I noticed another. I picked them up as if I'm going to keep them and get back on to land, but that I wonder if I should keep them or not to. I go back into the water and then notice their skulls of many animals, tiger, lion, since I'm lucid I think that this may be a sign that these are my power animals. Yet I can't make sense of why they would be here in his I looked more I see there's lots of stuff littered around the place, and I wonder if this was some dumping grounds back in the day.


In some setting much like a city, walking around, exploring a place, flying a little, I meet some people at attempt to be friends with them. They are very nice. And I get the urge to explain to them who I am, of visitor to their world, but I don't want to spook them and have them think that I'm crazy so I subtly alluded to this. As I'm walking down the street with them, I notice a few celebrities in the crowd, Gwenth Paltrow and some of the people from the "friends" show. One of the girls in the group knows them and I don't really think they are stars in this "reality", but they have the same names. I tell them to call them and have them hang out with us. < possibly my animal was hungry? > She beckons them and they join our group. At this point, we are walking into a complex like an apartment complex or huge megaplex of dwellings, and I decide to spill the beans. I explain that I have powers and they are doubting of me. So as we walk into the complex I use my telekinetic powers to open the door, but as I do someone is walking in through the other end and there's a motion sensor so that people I'm with think that it could have been this guy walking up to the door which set it off. There is a girl in front of me and she goes to hold the door for me as I mentally pushed the door away from her hand before she has a chance to, she looks at me and then begins to wonder. We are now entering the building and going through a small hallway and then through another set of doors. I say "Do see that newspaper ?" and as they look to the newspaper which is in the next hallway, I put it towards me with my mind intention and catch it in my hands. They are now amazed!! We go back outside and I tell them that I can also fly and they want to see this or for some reason I feel the need to show them. So I start running and then jump, after I jump I slowly start to come back down but then intend to make it an elliptical upward orbit swirl. I am on way up flying, I circle around as I gain height to make sure I can still see them. A circle around to my left and see them far far below on the ground. I also noticed that many other people on the ground see me, and they're almost in a panic. People running all over. I sense from my friends on the ground that I may have just become a danger not to them but to the others. Now why see that there some objects in the air coming after me maybe their helicopters, and I realize now would be a perfect time to practice my flying and get the hell out of there. So I'm and bobbing and weaving through the buildings. At one point, I realize that if I can change my weight in this dimension-become lighter than the air-like helium-I can rise extremely quickly. It seems easier to maneuver this way than to merely intend to fly up which seems to require force whereas realizing that you can use the force of their gravity to do it for me requires no force on my part--just different way of looking at. I ducked behind a few buildings so no one sees me. I  onto the veranda of a huge building, about four stories from the ground. I scramble into the building and go through the hallways. I'm in a little room in one of the hallways that has a washer and dryer and for some reason I open them up and look inside and then I shut them, but double check to make sure that they're still running. I walk through some hallways and I think there's someone there that I know. Then I find myself walking and wind up in what appears to be some kind of movie theater, a huge room with multi tiered seating. I go to have a seat and realize the person I sit near knows me. He sitting a few seats down from me and looks over at me and gives me and knowing glance. He makes a reference to me having "Hot hands" and points to his wrist as if I had unintentionally burned him the last time we were together. I now know that I had some, yet the actual memory of escapes me just the nuance of knowing this did have been, perhaps in a previous dream which I didn't remember. The more I look at him the more I realize how familiar he really is. I apologize again to him and he assures me that he had forgiven me long, long ago. He is now sitting across the aisle from me to my left. When I tell him it's good to be back, and he smiles. Now he's sitting back to my right again and seems to have more if into a different person or maybe it was another person, I'm explaining to them how I'm back and visiting can he /she and seems to be able to relate to me, as he has now become a woman, dark hair around 30 years old. I say how amazing it is the I've been here for about 45 minutes so far in she agrees and seem supportive and understanding.


<I am and have been highly lucid this whole time. . . Now around 45 minutes, at least subjectively that's how it seemed> I say to her, maybe you can help me to gain access to information about people in my world. . . Because I was beginning to think that this lady was definitely a dream guide. . . She shakes her head and says no, yet I suspect that she probably could have follow when she said no I seem not to pursue it that much further. There's a group of people like seem to be friends with us. Then, someone mentions something about needing their jackets, or wanting someone to get their jacket. I go to get it for them and then I realized I could make jackets for all of them and I look around and find a catalog which has several different kinds of jackets in it. I take the catalog back to them and tell them they can pick out whatever jacket they want. But before I can make them their jackets, the alarm goes off and pulls me back out, back into my bedroom. I roll over and turned the alarm off as quickly as I can and try to get back into the dream, but it's too late and I sense that I should just wake up and write everything down.















