basics and BEYOND

lucid dream

A lucid dreaming book







From Robert Bruce,
author of Astral Dynamics, Hampton Roads, VA, USA, 1999 --

"The Ultimate Lucid Dreaming Manual, by Marc Vandekeere, is an excellent read; both thought provoking and insightful. It is hallmarked by the friendly, hands-on perspective of a veteran Lucid Dreamer. A genuine desire to share and impart knowledge to others shines throughout."

From: Peter Fellows
creator of
The Dream Alchemy Program for Lucid Dreaming,
author of, "CHOOSE YOUR DREAMS": contributing author in LaBerge & Gackenbach's book, "CONSCIOUS MIND, SLEEPING BRAIN": and in The Lucidity Institute's "THE LUCIDITY LETTER"

"I have put a link to your site on my OTHER TEACHERS page because your materials are excellent, your insight penetrating and your enthusiasm contagious. I am enjoying your manual tremendously. I will be posting a review on my website so that browsers can understand why your book is valuable."


from: Michel DeVos

"Your Lucid Dreaming Manual is truly a masterpiece and a comprehensive manual.
I still have to digest much of the stuff. Thanks!"

from: (Ian Docherty)


       Thanks. They are the best and most complete set of instructions
I have seen and will help me greatly.


"The manual is outstanding-the best money could buy !  

Excellent. Contains a lot of material not found elsewhere"

From: (Chris Rodgers)


        I am associated with a group of people that formerly were associated with Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity group. I think what you have written here in your manual is much more concise and clearer than what Carlos ever wrote. Your material seems to be much more straight-forward. Had we had your insight into lucid dreaming six years ago I would probably be a much better dreamer today. But that was yesterday, so today we move on. Let's talk. I think I can probably sell your book to many old members of the Castaneda group. Some already are interested.

Sincerely, Chris Rodgers



Hi Marc ,

I've just finished reading your book and I found it great! What is incredible is that, though I already knew many of the informations in it, it is as if now I'm learning these things .Plus there's a lot of great stuff I didn't find elsewhere.I collected a lot of informations over the internet but I couldn' get a clear idea of the whole process.Well, that's just what I found in your book ; different informations , different traditions (shamanic, scientific...) are all put toghether completing each other.Now I feel ready to begin working methodically on lucid dreaming.

One topic that I found absolutely life-changing ,aside from its benefits for LD, is the mindfulness/self observation/lucid waking area.I'd like to study it more in depht but on the bibliography I didn't find anything regarding this (maybe something about Gurdjieff ?),can you give me some more precise informations ( books, websites...)?

Well, I have to thank you once again for sending the book before receiving the money (you might say it' s just a matter of few dollars; well, I think few people would have done the same). So tell me good luck

because I'm going to begin my journey! : )
As I have results I'll let you know.

Thanks again



From: (Richard M. Adam)


Brilliant precis of a chapter of your forthcoming book! You have my earzzz for sure.

From: (Elias Holmlid)


To: (Lucid-Dreaming)


I had my first lucid dream since I started to practice on having them today! I have only been keeping my dream journal for two days only, so I am VERY pleased with this. It may have something to do with that I've had lucid dreams about two times before or something. Maybe this have strenghten my believes that it's not impossible. This was many years ago, BTW.

When I had those first two lucid dreams they were very short because I was not very well educated in how to maintain lucidity then. I didn't even know the term, lucid-dreams, back then. When I heard about lucid dreams a while ago, I thought it was just some new-age kind of thing (didn't know I had experienced it myself!).

About a week ago, I decided to look what lucid dreams were all about, and I realized that this was something to begin developing (since I remembered how exiting my first one was).

I want to thank you alot, Bird, for your splendid help, both with the introduction and the Six Basic Stepzzz (it must have helped alot, since I haven't had a lucid dream in years, and because I had one only two days after beginning to follow your advices!!!). :)

This lucid dream was alot different that the others I've had before too, because I knew what to do to maintain lucid for a longer time. For example, I told myself to calm down. I guess that it also was important to have a goal (which was flying). :). One of the best experiences I've had for a long time I may add!!! :)

Cheers, and thanks again Bird!





" i decided to try bird's method of getting up and going back to sleep yesterday, and it worked! im excited about it since i haven't had a lucid dream in well over a year. i began with an 8-hour sleep. then I woke up for an hour and went back to sleep for an hour. in that hour of sleep my dream flowed into a deep level of awareness and peaked out when i spoke aloud "im lucid" and the sound of my own voice called me out of my dream. i suggest this method to EVERYONE!
a beautiful day to all, doug

From: S.C.

"...I imagine myself becoming weightless (like in the manual) and take off gleefully to a beautiful glass-domed environment. I’m flying along having a great time and decide to notice my method of flight as discussed in the L.D. manual. As soon as I start thinking about it, I stop flying naturally and start doing the breaststroke! I wake up (for real), but am determined to return to the lucid flying dream. I go back to bed and do the induction (one I’m dreaming, two I’m dreaming) and boom! I’m back flying in the same domed environment as before (first time I’ve been able to return!) My visuals start to get freaky. I try to remember Marc’s suggestions (speed/altitude ratio adjustment, the commands to stabilize visuals, etc.) The only thing I can remember is “Heighten lucidity now!” For a brief second before waking, I was aware of heightened lucidity but my speed/altitude ratio was so screwed up my brain couldn’t handle it. Anyway, Marc, I’m here to report some firsts and a somewhat qualified success within 3 weeks of reading your book."


From: (Mario Cimbalista Jr.)

Hi Mark...

This e-mail is to thank you....

I'll tell you why...

                 I've been looking for obe's and lucid dreaming info about two years on the web, collecting a lot of stuff..., but nothing seemed to work.  I continued trying but with no results.  I really don't know why. I had read Stephen LaBerge's Exploring the world of lucid dreaming but tried everything. So that night I decide to follow your advice. And the main one that caught my attention was: "YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF YOUR BED!!!" when you wake up in the middle of the night.

-So, let's do it! At this very night I had two lucid states during my Dreams!!!! They were short but clear. Undoubtely your suggestion(s) worked for me at that time. I was more pacified, my heart was not bleeding so much anymore and it happened!!!!

-Today I had again two short LD in the middle of the night and I had about 6 in the last 10 days.... Great isn't it? -Now I'm trying to stabilize (sp?) in the lucid state and then go OBE.

-But the results are amazing!!!!

-Every day, during all the ocasions I can, I've been making reality tests - every day, all day.... Even now: Am I dreaming I'm writing this e-mail to you? Are the letters stable? Is ther anything impossible happening? etc etc...) The feeling is that it will be no more difficult to become lucid. The point now is how to get stable..-I'm also following your suggestions regarding this point...-I'm pretty sure I'll succed - I'm certain....

- I had some contacts with my wife who recently passed away where she told me it was lacking very little to me to get "there"... we have a lot of work to do together... as we always did... helping people who is looking for help.... This was the way we found each other here, got married and worked together for about 21 years of the happiest life you can imagine until she passed away...

-And now we're beginning again....

So THANK YOU... THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTITUDE of sharing your experience and to motivate others to try it with themselves... Part of my happiness today and while looking to the future is due the existence of you....

Bless you...

Warmest regards

Mario and Terezinha ....



more responsezzz will be posted when I have some more time
and if you need to contact me
I'm only an e-mail away

To purchase the manual, click here
and scroll down for purchasing info...









